Monday, May 01, 2006

Update #2

So in keeping with my bi-weekly update goal, here it goes ...

Our parents have finally met! =) And actually it was good. There was no hair pulling, ear screaming, etc. ... just a few moments of awkwardness. It was actually pretty good in all.

One of the awkward moments was actually during pre-dinner grace. =) But otherwise I'd have to say that I'm pretty proud of the parents. My mom's cooking was fantabulous! mmmm mmmm mmm I love Mousakka! It's so good! =P The weather was also really good, and we even got to chill outside in the backyard for a while (and swing).

The company was good, the food was delicious, and I'd have to say that all in all it was pretty good.

Phew so now that that's over and done with, back to stressing out, worrying, and working on other stuff.



Blogger Third Order Franciscans in Pembroke Diocese said...

Hi Nora :)

?? Hair - pulling ??

?? Ear - screaming ??

What kind of people do you think we are anyway? We are all grown-ups and don't do things like that.
I DID notice all during the time we were there, that you were not your usual happy self. You did not laugh at all. Ergo, you must have been terribly worried ?
The food was great. Your Mother did a fantastic job and must have spent hours and hours preparing those dishes, and you probably helped her.
Your Father seems to be very calm, practical with a sense of humour. All in all, they appear to be very much in love with each other.
We always say Grace before we eat.
"Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen."
Your Mom said in your family that you also say Grace and she did say it in Arabic, so what's so awkward about that? The common ground is that 7 people prayed and thanked God for the food.
Thank you again for arranging the "meeting of the parents."
Can you give me your recipe for mousakka? I really enjoyed it. The baklava (sorry, don't know the spelling) was really delicious and flaky. Tabouleh is one of my favourites and it was really well made.
Thanks again, and hope your field trip went well yesterday.
~ Love,

May 04, 2006  
Blogger Amanda said...

Stop stressing, Girl! Sheesh. Leave that to three days before the wedding, when 30% of your guests haven't RSVP'd, you've lost the caterer's list, and your dress alteration lady has gone to Florida!


Just kidding. I'm sure that none of that happens in real life. Just try to avoid wedding disaster sites for a while.



May 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nora,
I'm glad that the dinner went well... Aahhh you guys are cute!

May 07, 2006  
Blogger Smilin Tweety said...

Thanks everyone!

Yup, Dinner was fantastic, and my Mom is a fantabulous cook (uh hummm, and it runs in the family ;)- hehe)!

The religious thing wasn't that bad at all. I mean all the mono-theastic religions seem very similar to me. It's just that most Canadians (and I am generalising based on 27 years of experience), seem to think that Muslims are different, and fear Islam. Which is really too bad. Since it's usually that assumption that holds people back from actually learning anything about it.

As for the worry and stress, it's just what I do. I think I cuaght that from my dad. But the stress has diminished from my first few months of teaching. If you think this is bad - you should have seen me then!


May 07, 2006  

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