Thursday, March 01, 2007

Jeff's Fiancé a new Clown School graduate

This is not really wedding related, but since this is the only blog I currently have, I thought I'd put in this entry.... Apparently Jeff is engaged to a teacher, wedding planner, AND clown school graduate. hahaha

Students in my grade six class believe I went to clown school, they said this as they were paying phenomenal attention in French class today while I was juggling and talking through the P.A. system. In my head I was confused for a minute as to why they would say that, but then I realised that they may be basing this on a few interesting facts from the last couple of weeks.

See... a couple of weeks ago, it was spirit week, and with that came Crazy hair, and Crazy Hat days. =) I enjoyed them thoroughly and got to wear my jesture hat once again. =) I'll post a pic from the shenanigans, and you'll get to see why I was so enthusiastic. Anyway, a grade six kid brought in those long clown balloons, put a few of them together and made a crazy hat - like a balloon bandana. Anyway he offered me a balloon that was supposed to be an "arrow" (i.e. it was twisted twice making it 3 parts), and I was like "awesome". So I took the balloon, and while procrastinating my marking during recess, made it into a doxiepoo (a Dachshund and Poodle dog mix). Later all the kids asked for it, so I put it into my monthly draw.

Okay, so now the Crazy Hat, Hair, and the Doxiepoo balloon stories are out of the way - phew. Enter trombone. On Tuesday I had the Bells corners Music Academy teachers and Jazz Band come in for a demonstration. This was awesome, and everyone was excited. Yves then told me a week before the presentation that their trombone player couldn't make it that day, and asked me to play in his spot. I was like - whoa, I haven't touched that thing in like 5 years. So I dusted the cobwebs off the case, and tried it out. Apparently I have the go power of 30 mins, which was better than I expected. So on Tuesday I brought my trombone to school, to sit in on a song and demo it during the presentation to the Grade 5/6's I teach Music to. So I demo'd the trombone and sight-read a jazz peice which Yves then MADE me play a solo in. So I threw in some glissandos (which is what trombone players do when they have no idea what to do), and was well on my way.

Then today, a different grade six student brought in a couple of juggling balls/ hacky sacks. While they were eating their collation (French for snack), a couple of them asked me if I could juggle. I was like "bain Oui". So they asked me to do it for them, and ended up making bets (pari) that I couldn't do it, and promised that they would pay extraordinary attention to French today if I could do it. So I did, and now they are convinced that I went to clown school. LOL

Man, I think I need a teaching blog. On second thought I should retire and go to clown school.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viola players do the same thing too when we don't know what we are doing either. We also don't put rossin on the bow so that no one can hear you.
I'd like to join you at clown school lol.

March 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, that's awesome!

Let's go together this summer. lol


March 05, 2007  
Blogger Smilin Tweety said...


apprently "Nora Wedding Clown" gets to this page on google.

March 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol.. I'm in but it has to be free :)

March 12, 2007  

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