Monday, January 22, 2007

Time is still flying by

Man today I woke up, and I guess I was just exhausted because...
This morning, instead of reaching for the deodorant, I ended up picking up my toothpaste off the dresser. I proceeded to "deodorise" before going to work, and it took a few seconds to register why the deodorant was harder to squeeze than usual, and it had the minty fresh kinda scent suddenly. Needless to say, I'm not totally a "morning person".

Believe it or not, there are only 144 days to go! =) That's awesome! Anyway, the plans are coming along now. We even found a good DJ! Hurrah, so there will be music! Let me know if you have any requests for the wedding, 'cause apparently we can pass them along, even before the wedding begins!

On Saturday Allison will be back in town, so I am going to go with a couple of the girls, to order the bridesmaid dresses! It should be awesome. I remember what their dresses look like, and it's going to be awesome!

The teaching bit is going pretty well, I like it more than I did last year. They kids are hilarious, and I'm considering starting a blog of kids anecdotes of teaching. They are truly funny. From their comments, to their spur of the moment clapping for my "presentation". hahaha

Anyway, I'm so tired, and I don't want to smell minty fresh all day tomorrow, so I'm going to head to bed. Have a good night.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's really funny. I could picture that too lol.I'm laughing about the toothpaste incident lol.
I'm really looking forward to seeing you on Saturday as well and ordering the bridesmaids dresses. It will be nice to try on my dress again :)
Anyways I'm also very tired so I heading to bed but I'll see you on the weekend!


January 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha -
Thanks! There are always stories, if it's not the kids, it me! lol

I'm still trying to fight off this bug that's being passed around the school. I'll see you on Saturday!

January 24, 2007  

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