Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Dress Shopping Adventures with Mom

A few months ago I went with Allison, and found the "perfect dress". I have to admit, it does look pretty awesome. So when we were shopping for the girls' dresses, I just had to "try" it on again. - Yup, still looks pretty good.

So anyway, my Mom has been starting to take an interest in the dresses, and asking about them. So this evening, we went to go check them out. Then ... she discovered that the dress wasn't exclusively all totally white. (I know that the "all" is redundant, but I am just using it to emphasis her feeling.) Anyway, while I was still looking through the dresses, another bride came in, and took measurements for the "perfect dress" which apparently was the one I was about to try on for the third time with my Mom. lol =) So I guess it's pretty popular with all brides.

Finally we came up with 5 dresses to try on. All ranging from 500-1000$ after tax and discount (the Arab connection really pays). So it's now down to three dresses.

To be Continued...


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