Thursday, July 19, 2007

One month already?!

Well, I thought that time had been flying by, for the month before the wedding, but I didn't realise that it continues after the wedding too. It's all good though, I think I'm getting used to it.

It's still funny how people ask how married life is. I just keep thinking - that they should ask a married couple with kids, seriously though, I'm not sure if they'd get to experience "married life" the same.

Things are still busy but great with the home, but with the construction all around the house, things are pretty dusty - and I mean even one hour after getting dusted of vacuumed. Speaking of which, we finally got to buy a central vac, it was great since we were able to use money that people got us for the wedding. Yay! Now to find the time to install it. Hmmmm.....

Jeff and I decided to celebrate our one month instead of the one year wedding anniversary with the cake. This is mostly for practical reasons. I mean seriously though, why would you keep a big part of your freezer full off a freezer burnt cake that now matter how hard you try to keep it fresh, won't really be that great a year later. Can someone explain this logic to me? =S
Anyway we had some of the cake a couple of days ago, and it was still really good - I can't believe how sugary the icing is though - but it was good, and I think the fondant sugar, err I mean icing kept it fresh for the month. =)

Anyway, it's getting late, hope that all is going well with you, and have a great weekend!


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Married Life after 2 weeks.

A lot of people have been asking me about married life. I hear, "Well... how's married life?" ;) at least a few times a week. =)

Well, I love it! I really like waking up, and seeing Jeff spring out of bed as the silent alarm rings. I like that Jeff and I get to have dinner together everyday. I like that we can share things, even the responsibility of getting the our new home set up. I like so many things ....

One thing in the way though, is moving. I really feel the need to unpack everything and move in completely. There are boxes everywhere, and I can't stand seeing them clutter up my living space. The construction workers wake us up at 6:30am everyday as a bulldozer drives past our bedroom window, and past the Dirt Mountain in the back. So getting married, and moving in a few days later has really been quite an adjustment.

Hidden behind our flirty comments, and honeymoon phase, is some adjustments/comprimise. See, if left to my liberty I would ideally go to bed at 1am and wake up at 9am. Jeff on the other hand is an early bird in comparison. So this leads to us going to bed at 11:30pm and waking up before 7. This going to bed early business is tricky, and sometimes hilarious as I read for a couple of hours while Jeff is quitely sleeping in bed. Or as I wake up with my eyes still closed for a couple of hours. Good thing I know how many steps we have. lol

Yay Photos!

Hurrah, I am getting photos in from the guests at our wedding! I love how they send me the original photos by email, since they'll be great for printing. =)

Here are some sample shots from the wedding:

Keep them coming! =)