Friday, May 26, 2006

Wedding Season is back....

Wow, I can't believe the number of weddings I go to. (Well... actually, I can, it's actually pretty cool, and I'm really glad that people have found the loves of their life, and are ready to create one together.) So, it's May, and back to weddings we go. Spring is here, and so are weddings. Tomorrow I am going to a wedding in Ottawa, should be great! The couple's been together for a while, and seem good together. This months Aniversary celebrations from the last two years include:
May 1- Mona and Neil
May 3- Christine and Sean
May 13 - Kasia and Lech
May 15 - Jason and Charlotte
May 27 - Christine and Darrell
May 29 - Dave and Eun Woo

It was interesting, a couple of years ago, I went to 9 weddings (yes, every second weekend in the summer, was a wedding weekend). They were all amazing, and different. So far this year, I've been to three, plus 3 more to go (that I know of at the moment). Although I've always been somewhat observant at weddings, I think that I might look at the next ones a little differently, as I am working on planning one now. =)

I don't really have much else to say - except have a great weekend!


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Best Candidate

So why was Jeff voted as the best candidate? Well, see back in the day (like a few years ago), Jummy made me list out the qualities I am looking for in a Man. She had a list of her own - I think she secrety loves lists. Anyway, my then dubbed "Man List" went like this:
Good Attitude,
Self confident,
Communicates well with me,
Well rounded,
at least 5'9"
Various interests in Music/Sports

A few months later Jeff came around, and well I eventually realised that he has all these qualities, and more (I could add Caring and Loving). He's playing guitar as we speak (err, write, errr, well you know what I mean. =) Yup, the best candidate!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Guest Lists

Making a guest list is tough. I heard that it's best to start with writing a list of everyone, then cutting it down. So we've started that, and made it from 257 to 205. Crazy! I didn't know that we knew that many people. And there's no more I can cut out, so I'll have to take a look at this later. Man who knew how tough it could be. I think we have to find a way to keep it around 120-150 people. Any ideas?

Best Candidate

So why was Jeff voted as the best candidate? Well, see back in the day (like a few years ago), Jummy made me list out the qualities I am looking for in a Man. She had a list of her own - I think she secrety loves lists. Anyway, my then dubbed "Man List" went like this:
Good Attitude,
Self confident,
Communicates well with me,
Well rounded,
at least 5'9"
Various interests in Music/Sports

A few months later Jeff came around, and well I eventually realised that he has all these qualities, and more (I could add Caring and Loving). He's playing guitar as we speak (err, write, errr, well you know what I mean. =) Yup, the best candidate!


Hahaha, just thinking of what I'm going to write here cracks me up! =) hahahaha

One thing that happened before Jeff and I started dating (i.e. while I was single), is this hilarious webpage. It's known as the "Date Nora webpage". Hahaha, actually the funny thing, is that until recently whenever you did a search for my name, it would be one of the top ten hits. lol hahaha
The Twins (aka the "Bad Boys") couldn't stop laughing for months after that discovery. Having a one of a kind name has it's perks that way, on the net.

So what is the webpage you ask? Well.... the idea was that people would fill out this online application, that would go to a moderator (Jummy/Jeff), who would then decide whether a date should happen or not. lol But somehow this Alpharocker Character ended up filling one out for Jeff. (yes, your email address gave it away) And we all decided that he was the best candidate.

And then the webpage was nolonger available. :(
haha, so that's just a hilarious tidbit, about some of our crazy shinanigans. lol

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I love Comments!

Yup, I really love comments! And well I would really appreciate if people could share some ideas about what I should talk about! (Thanks Toonses) Alright, that's it for now.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Time ...

Usually when I hear songs with "Time, goes by, so slowly", I stop and think, "What are these people on?!" 'Cause in my world time goes by too quickly!

So I'm thinking of writing a song called "Time goes by, so quickly". ;) But that's an aside. Back to time....

You'll notice that there's nothing crossed off of my to do list yet. Well, that's pretty much because, hmmm, well..., "nothing"'s been done. It's been about one month now, and there's still nothing crossed off the list towards making it to the big day. No worries though, it's all in the works. Yup. And we did manage to get almost everyone together (family) to meet each other. (Only my brother was missing - he's in Toronto).

I think that starting in June, the pace will pick up a bit, since the school year (I teach) will come to a close, and I'll have more time -I hope!. So there's only 7.7 weeks left of school, not that I'm counting down or anything. And I'll have to teach for 37 of those days (plus Saturdays). Luckily, since in my world time goes by so quickly, it'll be soon.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Update #2

So in keeping with my bi-weekly update goal, here it goes ...

Our parents have finally met! =) And actually it was good. There was no hair pulling, ear screaming, etc. ... just a few moments of awkwardness. It was actually pretty good in all.

One of the awkward moments was actually during pre-dinner grace. =) But otherwise I'd have to say that I'm pretty proud of the parents. My mom's cooking was fantabulous! mmmm mmmm mmm I love Mousakka! It's so good! =P The weather was also really good, and we even got to chill outside in the backyard for a while (and swing).

The company was good, the food was delicious, and I'd have to say that all in all it was pretty good.

Phew so now that that's over and done with, back to stressing out, worrying, and working on other stuff.
