Sunday, July 23, 2006

Meeting more family

Well I just got back from meeting more of Jeff's family - the extended family that is. It was pretty good, we went to Richmond- I really like that area, to his aunt's house, to do a farewell for his cousin who's going off to University in the states. That family was pretty neat, but there were about 50 others there, so I am not really sure who are family, and who are friends. It's interesting meeting a bunch of people all at once, they all know each other, and get to examine you. So it's kinda awkward at first, but then as you get to talk to people, it's way better. Big groups suck for talking.

Anyway, I don't really know what else to say, except, I'm tired, and going to bed. Have a good night.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Wedding Party

Whoa -
it's kinda of funny, my friends are asking "What do I do?!"

They are even looking up their duties online. Little do they realise that their duties start now. Get ready Allison, I'm going to call you tomorrow, to try to talk some things out. =)
Yup, even though there's no exact date set yet- your duties started already! Thanks for being such great friends. =)



Friday, July 07, 2006

A Downfall to Wedding Planning

Planning a Wedding can be Fun, looking through magasines, getting ideas, imagining a celebration that you've planned, .... But a lot of it can be very stressful.

Yup, you are probably thinking, definately with the saving money, cutting down the guest list, keeping everyone happy, gathering information to get the best deals .... But what a lot of people may overlook, is the stress it puts on the relationship.

I mean Jeff and I get along great, love spending time with each other, etc. - afterall we have decided to marry each other. We've been engaged for a few months now, and there's about a year until the wedding. Seems like a long time doesn't it? But there's so much to do, and so much that we are already doing (both with wedding stuff, and other things like moving...). It's crazy. We still don't know where or when we are going to have the wedding, how big the wedding party is going to be, engagement party?, photographer?, videographer? and the list goes on.

Now the problem with having a bunch of stuff on the go, and trying to plan things together is this: TIME. Yup, that pretty much sums it up. So what is the the Downfall to Wedding Planning that I am getting at? Well, see I am no longer a girlfriend. It's really annoying. Instead of being like "Awesome ... Jeff and I are going to go catch a flick tonight, or go to Salsa (it's been like 2 years since we've been).", I'm like "Phew, I finally get to see Jeff ... I wonder what we are going to have to plan today." Jeff and I are now "Planners in crime" instead of "Partners". It still has it's ups, but not as much fun as going out on dates.
