Tuesday, April 25, 2006


So, I was driving back from volleyball today (which is now yesterday, since I didn't finish typing this until today), and realised something about the relationship.
I realised that we really do feed off of each other. See, Jeff has a lot on his plate right now, and rightfully stressed. Thereby making me stressed and worried. It's interesting.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Things are going great ....

So not much to update! =)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

How we met Part II

Well, since we can't really remember the exact place at Ottawa U. Let's just go to more recent history, where our relationship developed.

After a few years at UofO, I realised that I didn't need the Monkey security blanket anymore. So, I started hanging out with his group (my friends too) without him. =)
Yup, Deli even got a pick up hockey playing group organised for games on Sundays. And well since MikeO (Mean Mr. Monkey) was busy with his girlfriend (now wife), he started not showing up. So I went, and Jeff went. Sometimes we even shared rides, and realised we had some other stuff in common (like Music, Dancing, hanging out with friends, Guitar, etc.).

So through hockey, I started being able to call these FBML guys my friends. Meaning I could phone them up, etc., hang out etc. So it begins...

yup, a bunch of us (bigman (sorta), AlphaRocker, Jeff, me, and Jummy) went to Salsa dance one day, and Loved it! It was awesome. This is also when I first started realising that Jeff was infact a guy - and a rather attractive and cute one too! Incidently, this also happened to be around the time he and his ex broke up (and I had already been enjoying singlehood for almost a year). So anyway, we all made a pact to got for 30 weeks.

Strangely enough, this actually worked for a few months - but then some people (uh hummjummy) started chickening out. It was a lot of fun though! And Jeff and I ended up being Salsa Partners most of the time. So the group would talk and hang out at least every Friday. Between Jeff and I going to that, and hockey, we became closer friends. Until one day, it was Jummy & Toonses Brithdays. So on the drive from one to the other (one hour), we got to talking, and from there our dating relationship unfolded.

So it was at the bonfire and fly infested love shack, where we celebrated Toonses birthday, that we got to officially start our relationship. Mystery case closed.

Okay Bigman, I've added a Salsa photo with you ;)

Salsa makes us Sleepy!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Wow - the excitement of the engagement is still up and running. =) I love it! Amongst the more recent congrats there's this one:

"There's a bond of good friendship, respect for one
another, and love between you two, and it really shows."

I agree.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

How we met

"How did you two meet?" is often a good question that people ask, where I can't quite put my finger on the answer. But here's my attempt:

Simply put, it was through mutual friends at the University of Ottawa.

Yup, actually that sounds good. More details go like this. Mike (the self procalimed Mean Mr. Monkey) has been a friend of mine for as long as I can remember (Kindergarten). We lived down the street went to the same Elementary school (even when I befriended his sister instead, since boys had cooties), Junior High School, High School, and even University. Because we both chose the Late Immersion path, we were both often in the same classes. The difference came in University, where he studied Computer Science (with the later to become FBLMers), and I studied Music. (Yes it is possible to study Music, and it's tough - okay!) Alright, so what does this have to do with Jeff?

Well, Jeff also went to L'Université d'Ottawa University (let's just call it U of O) to study Computer Science (with the later to become FBLMers). So inevitably, with all my class skipping err I mean Social Surfing, and meeting up with friends, I bumped into Habibi (Arabic term of endearment). The odd thing is, I didn't really notice him that much (probably 'cause I was already dating someone at the time), and didn't even notice that my new friends were guys (no offence to the guys reading this - I mean, I just saw you as friends, and not boys). So Jeff hadn't really made my boy radar (yet).

So according to Jeff, it was my attendance in Witchcraft class (supposedly we were both in Mike's class), where we met each other. But it could be quite possibly the games room at U of O.


So I don't really have much to update. But this is fun! yuppers, so I am writing in here again.
I finally got to talk to my man after getting engaged. That was last night (seeing him, not the engagement). See ever since we got engaged, things have been really busy. He has to hand in his paper for school, and well I have to get caught up at work/school, and on visiting friends and family.

Well people ask a lot of questions at the beginning, which I think is great! I love sharing people's excitement and energy. However, I don't have answers. It sucks, but really, I don't have answers yet. Still working on the details.

Hope all is well,


Monday, April 17, 2006

Update #1

So, I've been talking to Jummy , and well I've decided to start bi-weekly updates. So here it goes:

Dinner with his parents yesterday worked out well - some talk of religion, but all is well.

We are planning to have our parents meet at my house for dinner in a couple of weeks, again we are anticipating the religion conflct - it's interesting how much of a role religion plays in marriage.

Alley will me my maid of honour

Jummy my bridesmaid

Bro will also be included.

My first post

Aww, my habibi is a cutie! Check out what he put on his website!

On April 9, 2006 I asked the woman I love, Nora, to marry me, and she said yes. We've been together for two years now, and we make a very good couple, as I've heard a number of times. Nora is intelligent and practical, positive and outgoing, friendly and beautiful, loving and playful, committed and enthusiastic, and a good communicator. I'm a very lucky man to have someone so great in my life.

He's amazing!