Monday, March 26, 2007

Wedding Whereabouts

While engaged, I think it's a great idea for the couple to crash a wedding together. Luckily, we were actually invited to this one - so no wedding crashing required. Jeff & I went to my cousin's wedding in Pennsylvania on the weekend. I had gone to one last year on my own, but this was the first time Jeff and I got to go to one while actually planning our wedding.

It was neat to be able to comment on the different things together - from the invitations, table placecards, music, centrepeices, attire, food, style, etc. Although I think our wedding style will be nothing like this one - it was still good to see different ideas, and realise what things actually impacted us.

Personally, I found out, that although Erica used my favorite flower for her bouquet, I couldn't handle that she had nothing else. It was just a bunch of the exact same flower, so apparently I need different sizes, fillers, and colours. The centrepieces were nice, but were kind of impractical. There were goldfish in the centrepieces, and because most people were from out of town, no one wanted to take the centrepeices home. So there are now 100 homeless goldfish. Luckily - Merlin our gold fish, made it safely back to Ottawa - oh yeah, I should go get him so fish food.

It was really neat having hors d'ouevres during the cocktail hour, definately made the conversations more relaxed - it was really nice, so it's time to look into it for our wedding. Oh and for those of you keeping count, there are 80 days to go! =)


Monday, March 19, 2007

Checking off items from the Checklist

Yay! I can see things falling together now, with more and more items being removed from the checklist.

The cool thing, is that I get to go to a wedding this weekend! =) I think it's the only wedding in between now and Ours, so I'll have to take a lot of pictures. Girls you better watch out - 'cause I might come back with like 50 ideas, and 50 days to do them in.

Oh yeah there are 89 Days to go until the Big Day. I'm still really happy that the 1 finally got removed from the countdown. =)

1 week until I get the invitations! =)

Sorry, I gotta get outta here for teaching tonight. So it's gonna be a short post.



Sunday, March 11, 2007


Cake: a sweet, baked, breadlike food, made with or without shortening, and usually containing flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and liquid flavoring

How could something so simple could become so complex? Oh, I know... just add the word Wedding to the front (the same is true for almost anything wedding flowers, reception, day, dress, trip, transpo, you name it, just try it). There are so many styles and varieties to choose from. Looking at cakes can be kinda fun, I just never thought I'd be looking at them, or talking about them for more than an hour - ever. See... I'm not a total cake lover, I prefer chocolatey & fruity things, to their doughy coutnerparts. But I do have to say, that one of my Grade 5 students, makes the best cake ever! It's sooo cute, she made me a cake on Friday, complete, with icing, decorations, and writing. mmm mmm good. It was so tasty! hmmm I wonder how much she charges for wedding cakes - lol.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Whoa! Everything is flying by now. Finally the 1 is gone from in front of the countdown! Woo Hoo, only 99 days to go! So time is still flying by, I can't wait for the summer, but I guess I have to. Things are finally coming together, which is great. Our invitations, the favors, dresses, cakes, music. Oh yeeaaah! Can you tell I am excited?

March break officially started about 6 hours ago, but I didn't get to leave the school until 2 hours ago, and I'm going again tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thrusday? Can you believe it, man there's so much to do with the whole moving out, getting the other teacher up to speed on the haps, and... REPORT CARDS!! Actually please don't say that word for the next couple of months. ;)

I'm still glad that our registry is kinda done now - yes!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Jeff's Fiancé a new Clown School graduate

This is not really wedding related, but since this is the only blog I currently have, I thought I'd put in this entry.... Apparently Jeff is engaged to a teacher, wedding planner, AND clown school graduate. hahaha

Students in my grade six class believe I went to clown school, they said this as they were paying phenomenal attention in French class today while I was juggling and talking through the P.A. system. In my head I was confused for a minute as to why they would say that, but then I realised that they may be basing this on a few interesting facts from the last couple of weeks.

See... a couple of weeks ago, it was spirit week, and with that came Crazy hair, and Crazy Hat days. =) I enjoyed them thoroughly and got to wear my jesture hat once again. =) I'll post a pic from the shenanigans, and you'll get to see why I was so enthusiastic. Anyway, a grade six kid brought in those long clown balloons, put a few of them together and made a crazy hat - like a balloon bandana. Anyway he offered me a balloon that was supposed to be an "arrow" (i.e. it was twisted twice making it 3 parts), and I was like "awesome". So I took the balloon, and while procrastinating my marking during recess, made it into a doxiepoo (a Dachshund and Poodle dog mix). Later all the kids asked for it, so I put it into my monthly draw.

Okay, so now the Crazy Hat, Hair, and the Doxiepoo balloon stories are out of the way - phew. Enter trombone. On Tuesday I had the Bells corners Music Academy teachers and Jazz Band come in for a demonstration. This was awesome, and everyone was excited. Yves then told me a week before the presentation that their trombone player couldn't make it that day, and asked me to play in his spot. I was like - whoa, I haven't touched that thing in like 5 years. So I dusted the cobwebs off the case, and tried it out. Apparently I have the go power of 30 mins, which was better than I expected. So on Tuesday I brought my trombone to school, to sit in on a song and demo it during the presentation to the Grade 5/6's I teach Music to. So I demo'd the trombone and sight-read a jazz peice which Yves then MADE me play a solo in. So I threw in some glissandos (which is what trombone players do when they have no idea what to do), and was well on my way.

Then today, a different grade six student brought in a couple of juggling balls/ hacky sacks. While they were eating their collation (French for snack), a couple of them asked me if I could juggle. I was like "bain Oui". So they asked me to do it for them, and ended up making bets (pari) that I couldn't do it, and promised that they would pay extraordinary attention to French today if I could do it. So I did, and now they are convinced that I went to clown school. LOL

Man, I think I need a teaching blog. On second thought I should retire and go to clown school.