Monday, September 18, 2006

Caribbean Tally

Whoa - it's awesome that people get all enthusiastic, at the mere suggestion of going to the Caribbean. It was just and idea, and I've always wanted to go there, but it seems as winter is arriving, more and more people are looking for ways to escape it and head off to somewhere warm. =)

So far, all but one person responded to the idea with a very enthusiastic "YES!"! So I think I am going to try to figure out how to do a poll. I'd like to know what you think about it, and where?


Monday, September 11, 2006

Wedding Show

So I went to the wedding show with Jumoke and Juli this weekend. It was actually pretty good, lots of info, and lots of free stuff. =) I love free stuff. I even made some connections.

Wedding Shows are great to go to, if you are newly engaged, or actually know what you want, colours, and when; since you can strike up some pretty good deals at the actual show. I think I found a great place for fresh flowers, but I'm going to have to work out the hidden fees.

One thing is for certain, weddings are a lot of work.

Carribean anyone?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Time goes by so quickly ...

Well it's been a couple of weeks since I 've written an update. Man I forgot how busy things are when school is about to start.

Well, I got to finally meet with Allison, Jummy, (even Jeff) about their ideas for the wedding. =) Though we are still just in the kinda still thinking, and ready for doing stage, it was good to get out our ideas, and plans. Yay! And, it looks like more people are opting for the Blue color than the Lilac. Banana is still out. lol

Also Allison, has now moved to Toronto (boo). She's been really excited, and I'll miss her a lot, but it'll be worth it. She's going to come back by May 1st, with another certificate in her hand! =) (If I suck up to her now, maybe she'll be able to get me a job somewhere later... this Elementary teaching thing isn't working out, even with the French Qualifications.)

I am really tired,

Take Care,